Edge Sorting Technique

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  1. Edge-sorting Technique Meaning
  2. Edge Sorting Baccarat
  3. Edge Sorting Technique
  4. What Is Edge Sorting Technique
  5. Edge Sorting Technique
  6. Sorting Techniques Python

Edge sorting Come to the fore in recent years due to Phil Ivey case, Edge sorting is a technique used in advantage gambling where a player determines whether a face-down playing card is likely to be low or high at casino table games by observing, learning, and exploiting subtle unintentional differences on the backs of the cards being dealt. The United States has been the most volatile of all the countries in the world Poker Edge Sorting Technique when it comes to real money online gambling Poker Edge Sorting Technique regulations. In the early days of the industry, you could find online sportsbooks bringing buses outfitted with laptops right up to sporting events Poker Edge Sorting Technique to register players for their real money.

Not that I want to pee on the cornflakes of any of the AP's, but good god, are the folks in charge of game security for the casinos stupid?
I'm talking about edge sorting, which involves sharp-eyed players taking advantage of discernible differences in the way the pattern is printed on playing cards.
Why not use cards with nothing along the edges: either solid colors, or solid colors with a small logo or small design in the center?
Or insist that card manufacturers modify their production technique such that no variation in cards result.
Seems like a no-brainer.
Poor manufacturing quality control.
They need to hire an edge shorter in the QC dept
Don't let this crap go out till they fix the production process.
'Everybody's bragging and drinking that wine, I can tell the Queen of Diamonds by the way she shines, Come to Daddy on an inside straight, I got no chance of losing this time' -Grateful Dead- 'Loser'
The last would be difficult. Cards are printed in sheets which are then cut. I dont know of any cutting machine that would be able to align every cut from loaded sheets 100% perfect every time
The kinds of small 'registration' errors that you refer to also occur in stamps, comic books, dollar bills (currency) and almost anything that is mass printed.
Precision in printing and manufacturing is possible (think of integrated circuits), however precision = money.

Edge-sorting Technique Meaning

Do you know anything about the engineering science of manufacturing systems? about high-speed printing processes? When something seems like a no-brainer to you, it may be because you don't understand the subject.
So many better men, a few of them friends, are dead. And a thousand thousand slimy things live on, and so do I.
Borderless cards can still be vulnerable.
I also don’t believe that every deck of vulnerable designs are sortable.
I have a feeling there aren’t a huge amount of edge sorting opportunities anymore, but I could be 100% wrong.

Borderless cards can still be vulnerable.
I also don’t believe that every deck of vulnerable designs are sortable.
I have a feeling there aren’t a huge amount of edge sorting opportunities anymore, but I could be 100% wrong.

Never heard of casino's allowing players to 'turn' cards until this Ivey/Sun saga. I also asked about this so called 'Macau' style of dealing out the four cards face down before wagering is done during my recent trip to Nagaworld(Phnom Penh, Macau copy) and they looked at me like I was an idiot. For what it's worth, they buy their cards in China, not Japan.

Why not use cards with nothing along the edges: either solid colors, or solid colors with a small logo or small design in the center?
Or insist that card manufacturers modify their production technique such that no variation in cards result.
Seems like a no-brainer.

Edge Sorting Baccarat

Edge Sorting Technique

More and more casinos are using cards that can't be edge sorted. I think they are a little more expensive.
It's not whether you win or lose; it's whether or not you had a good bet.
They don't even have to do that. They just need to turn half of the deck before putting it back in the shuffler.

Why not use cards with nothing along the edges: either solid colors, or solid colors with a small logo or small design in the center?

I think a lot of casinos are already doing this -- using those cards with the 'faded' white borders. At least, that's what I saw a lot of in Vegas last time I was there

are the folks in charge of game security for the casinos stupid?

Edge Sorting TechniqueMaybe some... One time I met a person in charge of casino security (not sure of their position but definitely some kind of manager) and I started asking about some real basic card cheating moves since I was really into magic at the time. They had no idea what I was talking about. This was not in Vegas, though.
The amount of white that is visible along the edge is just as effective as a printed edge. So stopping the printing to the edge doesn't really solve the problem.

What Is Edge Sorting Technique

Come to the fore in recent years due to Phil Ivey case, Edge sorting is a technique used in advantage gambling where a player determines whether a face-down playing card is likely to be low or high at casino table games by observing, learning, and exploiting subtle unintentional differences on the backs of the cards being dealt.

Applied by world-famous poker pro Phil Ivey and subsequently challenged in court by the casino in which he did so, the UK High Court ruled that the technique, which requires the player to trick the dealer into rotating specific, high-value cards, is cheating in civil law, and that a casino was justified in refusing payment of winnings. This ruling would not be applicable if the player simply took advantage of an observed error or anomaly in the deck for which he was not responsible.

Edge Sorting Technique


Sorting Techniques Python

Many packs of cards produced by manufacturers have unintentional, almost indistinguishable edge irregularities. Typically the backs of every card in such a pack are identical, but the two long edges of each card are distinguishable from one another: the back pattern of one card is not symmetrical to another that has been rotated 180° (half a full turn).

During the course of a game, the player asks the dealer to rotate high-value face-up cards, saying for example that they feel it will bring them luck. The dealer, indulging superstition, does not realize he or she is unwittingly orienting the cards such that valuable high cards are oriented one way in the deck and low cards the other way round. The unintentional card edge irregularity thus makes the high or low value of face-down cards apparent to an observer aware of how the dealer has been tricked into orienting them. This orientation will remain so long as the cards are not “washed,” shuffled in a way that rotates them. Thus, the player must also request that the dealer shuffle the cards with an automatic shuffler, which does not change the orientation as a manual shuffle might. The dealer is not obliged to comply with any of these requests, but will usually do so if thought to be the result of gambler superstition or mistrust.

Over the course of a game being played this way, low cards will tend to be oriented one way, high cards the other. Once a significant proportion of cards have been rotated, any player who knows this can gain a statistical edge more than outweighing house edge by using the knowledge whether the card to be turned is likely to be low or high.


Casinos usually regard this technique as cheating; many players consider that they are legitimately playing to gain an advantage.

In 2012, poker player Phil Ivey and partner Cheung Yin Sun won US$9.6 million playing baccarat at the Borgata casino. In April 2014, the Borgata filed a lawsuit against Ivey and Cheung for their winnings.[6] In 2016, a Federal Judge ruled that Ivey and Cheung Yin Sun must repay US$10 million to the Borgata. U.S. District Judge Noel Hillman ruled that they did not commit fraud, but did breach their contract with the casino. He found that they did not abide by a New Jersey Casino Controls Act provision that prohibited marking cards. Although they did not mark the cards, they used tiny imperfections in the cards to gain an advantage.

Later in 2012 he was reported to have won £7.7 million (approx. $11 million) playing punto banco, a version of baccarat, at Crockfords casino in London. Crockfords refunded his £1 million stake and agreed to send him his winnings, but ultimately refused payment. Ivey sued them for payment, but lost in the UK High Court; it was judged that the edge sorting was “cheating for the purpose of civil law”. It was accepted that Ivey and others genuinely considered that edge sorting was not cheating, and deemed immaterial that the casino could easily have protected itself. Critically, the judgment pointed out that Ivey had gained an advantage by actively using a croupier as his innocent agent, rather than taking advantage of an error or anomaly on the casino’s part. Ivey appealed against the judgement but was unsuccessful.

He further appealed to the UK Supreme Court which also decided in favour of the casino. All five justices upheld the decision of the court of appeal, “which dismissed his case on the basis that dishonesty was not a necessary element of ‘cheating’.”