Roulette Dealer Tricks

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  1. How To Be A Dealer In Roulette
  2. Roulette Dealer Tips
  3. Roulette Dealer Tricks
  4. Blackjack Dealer Tricks Youtube
  5. How To Beat The Dealer In Roulette
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Roulette is a very attractive for players game due to the size of the payouts, but as it is still mostly a game of chance, gamblers will always seek all possible ways to beat the bank, even not the legal ones. Roulette cheating methods are sometimes included in roulette strategies, however some of them are not as effective as the regular betting systems. Note, that most of the roulette cheats described below are illegal and have criminal responsibility.

NB! All methods used to influence roulette games described below are cheats and are considered to be illegal in all gambling establishments. Read them just for fun and find out which techniques have been used by the most famous roulette cheaters.

Biased Wheel

A biased wheel is one that has a mechanical defect as a result of a manufacturing mistake and thus it causes a repeating pattern of roulette numbers coming up. This is a great luck if the player finds a roulette wheel that has the same number or at least a range of definite numbers come up constantly. The wheel can also have bias as a result of wear and tear, and this is more common than a manufacturing fault. These can be deviations and defects such as:

  • pocket wear
  • rotor wobble
  • defective ball track
  • roulette bowl incline
  • any grooves and physical damages, etc.

To track down a biased wheel is probably the dream of every persistent roulette player, however this is not so easy nowadays, as the quality control done when producing roulette wheels is very high, and also the casinos carefully check the installation and operation of roulette tables according to set standards.


Pastposting is a late betting after the ball lands on the
roulette wheel
Pastposting is probably one of the most widespread illegal cheating techniques in all casino games. It can be done by both players and dealers who are involved in the scam.

Pastposting is also known as late betting as it is in fact the roulette betting when the bets are not already accepted (i.e. after the dealer says 'No more bets!') and after the outcome of the game is known. So, after the roulette ball lands on the wheel a player places chips onto the winning number or makes a bet that will bring money and tries not to be caught by the dealer. The best way to cheat using pastposting is to work in a team. However, the modern security systems with hi-tech surveillance cameras are a serious barrier for pastposters.

How To Be A Dealer In Roulette

Top Hatting

Top hatting is another way of late betting which involves adding extra chips to a bet that has already been placed, after the results of the spin are known. This technique usually involves the dealer as he is the person that can most easily place chips onto the betting area without being spotted.

Obviously, top hatting shouldn't involve a great risk in order to not be spotted and that is why cheaters do not add many chips at one time. Regularities in winning large sums is very suspicious and can be noticed by casino managers and picked up on security cameras.

Ball Tripping

Ball tripping involves the usage of a special
mechanism that is triggered by the roulette dealer
Ball tripping is another way of cheating at roulette table which usually involves both a player and the dealer. This technique is impossible to accomplish without the aid of a roulette dealer who greatly assists the player.

The concept of ball tripping is that a tiny hole is drilled in the roulette ball track and a small controlling pin is inserted into it. The dealer must pull a special lever under the table in the right moment. The pin is pushed towards the spring and it easily gets on the track where the ball is rotating. When the roulette ball contacts the pin it is tripped out of its track.

As you can understand ball tripping requires great levels of skill and lots of practice by the dealer. It is also very risky and highly illegal.

Wheel Tampering

Roulette wheel tampering is without a doubt оne of the craziest methods to cheat a casino, because it means fixing the roulette wheel manually. So the player must have access to the table or cooperate with a casino worker to get the wheel fixed. The cheaters can loosen the wheel or definite pockets, insert some loads or other items which make the ball bounce in a way that the player needs. Of course, any deviations and biases are immediately revealed by the casino security system.


It is possible to influence a roulette game outcome by padding the ball. It is usually done by manufacturers of roulette equipment as they are the ones who produce the balls and the wheel pockets of specific materials which will help cheaters.

There are also other known roulette scams throughout the game history that involve magnets, laser, electronic devices, etc. All of them are easily spotted in modern casinos by the advanced security systems in place.

The idea of working in a casino as a roulette dealer would seem to be something of a glamorous career move. Dealing roulette to the rich and famous sounds very enticing.

You’ll be dealing with a range of different people, who will be often be gambling a large amount of money at a table. Here, we take a look at all of the key skills you’ll need to become a roulette dealer and some of the extra benefits you might enjoy by doing this job.

Roulette Dealer Training – A Head for Numbers

This is one of the most important factors in dealing roulette

During the training for how to deal roulette, you’ll have a full understanding of the odds for every bet, which you’ll have to apply at the table. A busy table might see you having to work out the winning payout for a large number of bets. Single numbers pay 35 to 1 so an understanding of the 35 times table might be beneficial.

Roulette Payout Practice

There are some roulette payout tricks as you continue to learn roulette for working out the payout. Getting to know these becomes a very important as it allows you to service your players without taking a long pause to calclate payouts and ruin the fun.

Roulette Payout Tricks

Roulette Dealer Tips

Trick 1: For a straight bet at 35 to 1, you could cut the stake in half, multiply by seven and then add a zero. Using this example, a $6 bet is halved to $3, multiplied by seven to make $21 and a zero added to make $210 which is the winning amount for a $6 straight bet.

Trick 2: For the splits bet that pay 17:1 you’re best to know your times’ table from 1-10 x 17. This will allow for you to double that number whenever you have more than 10 splits to pay out. Remembering 17×17=289 will come in handy to memorize.

Trick 3: The way a dealer adds the payouts is another trick worth noting. Roulette dealers look for patterns in the placement of chips which make it easier to calculate the payout for each player. These patterns which they refer to as picture bets are taught when they are being trained.

Roulette Training – Communication Skills

When you’re a roulette croupier you’ll need to be able to communicate well

There’ll be players who are playing for the first time, so you may need to explain the game to them. You’ll have to communicate to the whole table when the betting is over in a clear manner. There’ll also be occasions when a player might need clarification on a particular roulette rule or technique at a table.

Important: Speaking a foreign language is very helpful as many roulette players come from around the world to enjoy playing roulette for money so giving them few tips for roulette may earn you a nice tip

Roulette Training – Personal Skills

You’ll have people at the table at both ends of the emotional spectrum as gambling can be a very emotional game at times. A proper roulette etiquette will be required from you and from the players.

It’s never a problem having happy players at the table, but on occasions, you’ll have a player who is upset or angry when playing. Having the ability to deal with these situations in a calm and considered way is essential when being a roulette dealer.

How To Become A Roulette Dealer?

Pros of being a roulette dealer

Tip: A good live roulette dealer can maintaining a good atmosphere at the tables. It can pay great dividends as winning players will routinely tip you, and these tips can increase your pay considerably

As a roulette dealer, you’ll receive regular breaks, usually working a table for an hour at a time and then gaining a 20-minute break before returning to the table.

You’ll find a great amount of flexibility when it comes to your working hours. Some casinos are open for a large number of hours a day (some never close) so there will be a great number of shifts needing to be covered. You might find yourself as part of a particular team, where you’ll cover the shifts between you.

Cons of being a roulette dealer

Roulette Dealer Tricks

There’ll be many times when you’ll be working unsociable hours, with the majority of the work taking place in the evenings and at the weekend.

Important: Being a dealer at a casino offers lower job security than some other occupations

Many dealers at casinos have been doing the job for a great amount of time, so you won’t get to deal on the more lucrative tables until you reach this level yourself.

Roulette Croupier – Training

Many roulette croupiers have learned their trade through a dealer school provided by the casino or a vocational course at a local community college.

You’ll find the vocational courses to learn to deal roulette in areas where casinos thrive, a prime example of this being Las Vegas, Nevada. In these courses, you’ll learn all aspects of casino dealing, including blackjack and poker alongside roulette and you’ll also learn the local rules and regulations that might apply.

Blackjack Dealer Tricks Youtube

Remember: These courses will not always guarantee a job. Although they will give you a head start, you’ll have to go through a standard interview process and demonstrate your roulette dealing abilities

How To Beat The Dealer In Roulette

There are dedicated web sites for those wanting a career working in a casino, and you’ll find them quickly and easily by typing “casino jobs” into a search engine. Alongside dealer jobs, you might find other areas in a casino which you might be suited to – examples of these being a cashier or working in the surveillance department.

Casino Roulette Dealer Manual

Each course will provide you with a roulette dealer manual. However, if you would like to get a head start and practise roulette rules you can find few of them if you search on the internet. We at tend to recommend an old classic “Roulette dealer: Instruction manual” which you can find either on Amazon or your local library.